I have a meeting with a young woman, attempting to get some tips about what turn them on and off when they are involved with a man I was be wilder to hear her notice what has been the truly reason for their betrayal with men, however am going to compose on that on one of my post yet let me investigator what we plates about what ladies consider when they are seeing someone. 

Monetary FREEDOM: a man ought to be budgetary free when it come to relationship, since they need to deal with their fundamental need, she said, yet that is a truly sharp truth, since a few ladies cannot stand the circumstance where their man cannot accommodate their essential need like corrective adornments and other stuff, a man who is not money related free ought not consider getting a genuine relationship, in light of the fact that the potential outcomes of the relationship working is negligible. 

MUST BE INDEPENDENT OF APARTMENT: this one is truly a decent tips, in the event that you should get a genuine relationship, you should be fit to provide food for a few things like having the capacity to pay for condo, ladies love men who don't live with their guardian since they adore your security, if an acknowledge you are as yet hunching down with your guardian or direction she may likely give all of you the consideration you require, such as watching motion pictures with you, cooking for you, however trust me on the off chance that you are as yet crouching with sibling ,guardian or uncle, she won't appreciate the earnestness of the relationship.

A MAN SHOULD NOT COMPETE WITH OTHERS: she narrate that if she should have her man, she will love him not to compete himself with other men, stressing that if her man compete with other men , the fear of loosing the relationship in maximum, her man should maintain the attitude of being self reliance and working hard for his growth.
READY TO TAKE HER TO SEE YOUR FRIENDS/RELATIVE: there is nothing women do not like than introducing them to you close people, like friends and family, it make them feel secure in the relationship, she said it makes them know where to run to when there is any misunderstanding, women love it when they have who to report your wrongdoing to, so as a man if you must start a serious relationship, be ready to take your girl friend to see your friends and family, they don’t like when you keep a secret relationship with them, it makes then feel unsecured. Women love when you will have to adjust to their suiting.

MUST NOT KEEP A CLOSE FEMALE FRIEND: women are fun of being jealous, so when dealing with a serious relationship, remember that the kind of friends you keep matters, if you keep female friends, they expect you to introduce them to her, It makes them feel secure and seeing you as a trust worthy person, although there are a lot of measure when you want to start a new relationship, for our subsequent post we will let you kow the heart of women when dealing with a man who want to have serious relationship with them.

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